The Master Tutor's
Our teaching philosophy is based upon a firm belief that every student can succeed at school given the proper encouragement, motivation, and tools. We believe that a tutor's most important job is to listen and observe how the student works and learns, and then provide each student with strategies to work and learn more effectively.
Our aim is to reach underachieving students as early as possible and teach them effective and lifelong learning strategies and problem solving skills. This will begin a cycle of confidence, motivation, and academic success that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
It's As Easy
As 1-2-3!
Welcome to a new kind of tutoring company!
We are an innovative company geared to your student's success; an educational tutoring company that is focused on the achievements and accomplishments of your student.
Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3!
STEP 1 | Call or email us for a FREE in-home consultation to meet with you and your student.
STEP 2 | We will come to your home, at a time that is convenient for you, and discuss and identify any opportunities for improvement.
STEP 3 | From our consultation, we will design a tutoring program that is personalized for your student's individual needs and tailor a tutoring schedule to fit into your busy life.
Your student can meet with their tutor in the comfort of your own home as often as needed to set your student on the path to achievement and accomplishment.
Advantages of The
Master Tutor System
Your student receives 100% of the tutor's attention, unlike an education center or traditional classroom
The tutor is matched to your student's educational needs, as well as personality
The work is done in the privacy and security of your own home
Students work at their own pace, reducing their stress, allowing them to focus on problem areas, and encouraging achievement
There is no peer pressure, embarrassment, or fear of failure that can be experienced in a classroom or learning center
Parents are not chauffeurs, driving their students miles away for a tutoring session
Your student will learn how to take tests, learn how to study to get the most out of the material, and learn how to organize their work to be more productive
We tailor our methods and work assignments to the student's individual needs
The student builds a personal relationship with their tutor, fostering success
The tutor and the student study current classroom curriculum, as well as devoting time to bolster the student's problem areas
We are flexible! We work around your family time and your family schedule. You dictate the tutoring schedule, not a learning center
We provide maximum time for individual instruction, a method proven to be the most effective form of transferring knowledge
We work with the student's teacher, current school assignments, and tests, using a team approach (student, teacher, tutor, parents) to ensure the greatest opportunity for success
The privacy of your family is of the utmost importance to us. All tutors sign a Code of Ethics to maintain confidentiality of all your family matters